I’ve spent over a decade working with startups and organisations to figure out what makes teams tick, and I’ve come to a few conclusions.

It’s NOT about using the newest and shiniest productivity tools or forcing everyone into an Agile Team and calling it a day.


It’s really about recognising every individual’s unique potential and creating environments that allow these strengths to synergise

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Here’s how I can help your team find their groove


Developing bespoke operational systems

I believe in creating operational systems that work for you and your team, not the other way round. This could look like streamlining communication channels, creating structured meeting protocols, equipping teams with project management tools, and everything in between.


Executive Function Coaching

Simply put, executive function is a set of mental processes that allows you to plan, focus and execute tasks. Any diverse team will have various levels of executive function, and a resilient team is able to accommodate for each person’s executive function quirks. We’ll step back and understand how each individual works best, and find the best way to maximise each person’s strengths.


Neurodiversity Coaching

Learn how you can embrace your team’s neurodiversity to create more innovative and adaptable team cultures, including practical handles for communicating and working with neurodivergent colleagues.


 Interested in working together?

Let’s have a chat!

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